Gaelic is still an official language here so, like French and English in Canada, everything must be printed in Gaelic and English. I think very few people still speak Gaelic as their first language, but I heard quite a bit of it over intercoms and stuff. Its pretty weird… It’s kinda like Klingon meets the BarbaPapas… Lol..
To be honest, Dublin really wasn’t my thing. It’s a total drinking culture here. Not as much to see as other cities. The people are quite unrefined, which can be nice sometimes, but it just didn’t take with me. Perhaps it was because we were overpaying for everything. The Irish really know how to nickel and dime you to death :P
Our hotel was beautiful though so it was a great opportunity for Alex and I to stop and catch our breath, speak English without feeling guilty, and catch up with a couple of Alex’s friends who we met there
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