Fear vs. fearlessness: False guidance is rooted in fear. Outside-in vs. inside-out: The ego requires external results in order to feel good. Scarcity vs. abundance: The ego assumes you live in a world of scarcity. Head vs. heart: The voice of ego remains stuck in your head. Intuition is heart-centered. Its guidance will make you feel joyful and uplifted.
Here are some specific examples to illustrate the difference:
- Intuition guides you to write a song from your heart. Ego wants you to write a song that will become a hit.
- Intuition guides you to ask someone on a date to share your happiness with someone. Ego pushes you to get a date so you won’t be alone.
- Intuition guides you to start a business that will help people. Ego urges you to start a business to get rich.
- Intuition guides you to forgive. Ego pushes you to seek revenge.
Notice that the actual guidance can be the same from either voice. Yet you’ll attract vastly different outcomes depending on the intention behind your actions. When you heed the voice of intuition, you invite the flow of greater love, inner peace, and abundance. When you heed the voice of ego, you invite more fear which fuels your drive for ever greater control. Both of these are unending cycles.
Which voice should you listen to?
There is no should. The choice is entirely yours to make. If you align your consciousness with fear-based thinking, meaning that you believe that the world is inherently unsafe and that you need control to feel secure, then you’ll be led by the voice of ego. You will take an outside-in approach to life, making the physical world primary and your inner world secondary. The central focus of your life will be to achieve security by gaining control over your external world. As an example, this is presently how the United States relates to the rest of the world: achieve greater and greater control in order to assuage fear.
If, however, you align with love, meaning that you believe you’re unconditionally safe here and that your true self can never really be harmed, then you’ll be led by the voice of intuition. You’ll take an inside-out approach to life, so your inner world will be primary and your outer world secondary. The central focus of your life will be joyful self-expression. As an example, this alignment was how Jesus and Buddha interacted with the world: express inner peace and joy outward through loving service.
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