Courtesy of V-RAG: February edition
My March article is on Addiction in the LGBT Community - Read it in print in the current edition of V-RAG Magazine.
Catch my health and wellness column in V-RAG Magazine. Pick it up in coffee shops and lobbies around town. www.v-rag.com
For those of you that cant, here is February's Article :)
All Sex is Healthy
I think we can all agree that sex is fun. You might think of simple pleasure, erotic relief, or intimacy with your partner when you fantasize about dancing the horizontal mambo. But did you know that sex improves your health? There is a lot of good information out there on sexually transmitted infections and the necessity for safe sex, but there is something about the way that information is presented that makes it easy for one to think of sex as taboo. What about the benefits of sex? The truth is that, when it’s done right, sex is good for you.
Sex Boosts Immunity – Doctors measure your immune systems strength by levels of something called Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in your blood. IgA detects pathogens and calls on the immune system to destroy them. Studies have shown that individuals with a higher level of sexual activity have higher levels of IgA in their systems then those who abstain. Sexual activity exercises your immune system and, much like your muscles, your immune system gets stronger when it is used.
Sex Reduces Risk of Prostate Cancer in Men – In 2004, an 8 year study showed that high rates of ejaculation decreased the prevalence of prostate cancer by one third. This works by clearing toxins from the tissue and micro deposits from the ducts of the prostate.
Sex Prevents Alzheimer’s and Osteoporosis in Women – Sex has the same effect as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for women in that it increases the body’s level of Estrogens. HRT has been found to decrease ones chances of being afflicted by Osteoporosis or Alzheimer’s disease.
Sex Reduces Pain – Sex has the ability to reduce physical pain to the point of irrelevancy. During sex the sensations you are experiencing trigger your brain to send chemical messages to your endocrine system and endorphins are released. The endorphin release is highest during climax, but they stick around afterward and continue to have a pain relieving effect.
Sex Burns Calories – Our bodies can burn about 13 calories for each minute of sex. 20 sweaty minutes will burn over 250 calories. That beats the treadmill.
Guys, if you find yourself lacking a partner to burn those calories with, you might want to try working up a sweat in a different way. Health Initiative for Men has free yoga classes on Friday nights and regularly runs fitness groups for various levels of ability. Check it out at www.checkhimout.ca
Sex Relieves Stress – People who have more frequent sex have been shown to have a lower baseline blood pressure and a lower negative biological response to major life stressors such as public speaking. This seems to suggest that you might fare better in big presentations at the office or important exams if you have sex more often. Stress is also eased through proper sleep. This brings me to my next point.
Sex Helps Sleep – Soothing, sensual sex right before bed can be a great sleep promoter. Vigorous sexual activity during the day also promotes sleep for the same reasons that exercise during the day does. When the endorphins leave your system, a compound is released in the brain that actually promotes sleep.
It is evident that it does not matter what your sexuality is to enjoy the health benefits of sex. All sex has adaptive value because it is an important part of what balances our biology. A rigorous romp can do wonders for you both physically and psychologically. Now you can tell your partner that sex is not just fun, but your lives may depend on it.
-Jason Keller, Outreach Counselor and Client Care Coordinator, Vancouver Coastal Health
* Read other informative mens health articles at www.checkhimout.ca *
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