Im still in Canada. Having some Timmy's for the last time in a month. I'll be boarding in about 20 minutes but I thought I would leave a little message here because YVR now has FREE internet. It was always like $7 an hour before. They finally wised up. If Im gonna be sitting around for 2 hours, I wanna be able to get some things done.
I was hoping to be able to update my iPhone's operating system before leaving because apparently with the new software you can sign into to your googlemaps account and I have all our stops and sightseeing stuff, as well as transit markers, saved on there. It will be nice to use that while I'm out. I'll check again in Munich. Wombats has free wifi. I'll be turning my phone off except for wifi, which essentially turns it into an ipod touch. There's hotspots a plenty in the cities Im going to though so I'm not worried about communication. I'll only get e-mails though. No calls or texts.
I'm loving this weee pc btw... best little purchase ever. I'll get tonnes of use out of it. Its so small I can just throw it in my murse and take it anywhere.
I also found out that the sailing tour has provided a free international phone card in my ticket wallet. One less thing to do when I get there. Phone card... check.
I'm a little nervous about not speaking german. I've met someone via email at Wombats who speaks english. She's arranging a walking tour of the main attractions about an hour after I arrive. Im more nervous about the airport though. What if Im like that guy that got tasered in the Vancouver airport because he panicked because he didn't understand anyone and didn't know what to do? They tasered him until he was dead. I don't wanna be tasered to death. Anyone know if German police have tasers? :-P
Anyway... Chow for now.... Shaiza shaiza shaiza... Seriously, thats all I can remember... Lol...