Seriously, Im staying here. I'm staying at an Inn that is built into the Diocletian Palace. The palace only has the basic structure left but they have lovingly restored and upkeptt it. Everything that has been built into it (shops, cafe's etc...) utilizes the original flooring, walls etcc... Breathtaking!
I think I identify with Croatia more then I did Bavaria. The people here remind me of my aunts and uncles. My family is European but we are not very refined. Thats exactly how Croatia is. European, but less refined. That is part of the charm here really. So easy going. If I could understand Croatian, I am sure that I would be hearing crude jokes being told all the time and I would feel right at home. There is also a bit of a desperation in peoples faces... Or maybe a post-traumatic zeal for life. They are not 3rd world poor or anything, but they have been through a very trying war. The country is recovered, but you can still tell that it happened. It is evident in peoples faces and attitudes. They are nice and accomodaating, but they will put you in your place if they have to. They know how to take care of themselves. Any problems they face is nothing to what they have already been through.
Seriously, look at these pictures... Stunning... And just a little bit scorching hot!.. Oy!!!
Hey ....I am so proud of you and your travels.Thanks for bringing it all back to my heart.....Photos are awsome and Im sure you gonna have more when you get back,looking forward to it:)Ask for rakija-sljivovica domacha(home made brandy):)))It kicks ass on every Tequila I ever head even the $130 botlle one:)))It's excellent for hang overs and its healthy(made ie.baked from fruit).Have a great time and keeps us post it!