Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Travelling in Europe

So I’m getting the hang of this travelling thing I think. I flew from Paris to Dublin today and I have come to the conclusion that it takes an average of 5-6 hours and $40 to get from hotel doorstep to hotel doorstep. By the time you pay for two airport transfers, coffee and light lunch, and a water or two you have spent $40. And by the time you travel to the airport in a shuttle, check in, wait, fly, go through customs, pick-up luggage, and take another transfer into the city, you have spent about 5-6 hours of time. That’s assuming the flight is 1-2 hours long. Which they all are here in Europe. The average flight now in the EU costs like 30 euro so I think flying beats the train by far now. In time and price.

In a case where one flies RyanAir, expect to pay out your ass for weight. Seriously, they charge for everything… even the toilets on board. I was tempted to pay my 1 euro to go in and then just piss all over the place. Also, if you’re travelling SkyEurope expect to be delayed by several hours to the point or starvation. Other than those two, every flight so far has followed my new rule :P

There are also other things I am learning are essential… I just got into Dublin and I spent an hour finding the nearest coffee shop, the main streets near the hotel, finding free internet places, the nearest convenience store, the nearest grocery store, and a breakfast place so I don’t starve myself into grumpiness tomorrow… Now I can relax and enjoy my Guinness. Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!

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