Friday, June 26, 2009

Arg.. Matie!!.. Here Fishy Fishy... Crunch!

So I call myself a vegetarian, but I eat fish…… Shut up! I guess I don’t see fish as suffering. Maybe I may have a different perspective after this trip and eating so much seafood. Several times I have had an entire fish put in front of me. I’m no stranger in how to eat a fish like this so I know what I’m doing. But in America they usually don’t have TEETH and a tongue!

Remember in cartoons when you were little when the cat got a scrap of fish or something and there is a head and a tail with all the bones in between?

A girl named Laura that we met on the trip managed to get one of the eyes out. We dared her to eat it. Her boyfriend knew she would do it. Apparently Laura will do anything… Lol…

Oh… And we had a pirate party this night btw… No, I was not touching Lauren´s boob! My hand was just very inconveniently placed in this photo :-P

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